Household Tips and Improvements

How room colour impacts your mood

Colour defines your room and influences the mood of the people who are in it. The good news is by picking out right hue, your room doesn't just look great, you will feel great too. Here are some fantastic ideas when choosing a colour for your room.


Picking out a colour for your room is not as easy as it seems. Thanks to the science of colour psychology, you now have to think about the mood you want to convey and the tone you want to create. The good news is that by picking out the right hue, your room won’t just look great; you’ll feel great, too.

Colour can define your room and influence the mood of the people in it. Here are some fantastic ideas for painting your room.

Living room

Browns and other earth tones fade easily into the background – creating an overall sense of warmth and security. With such a wide range of activities in the living area, it would be best to stick to neutral colours. If you think that brown is too blah, go for beige and complete the look by adding pieces of furniture with bright colours.

Alternative: Green is a refreshing colour that instils comfort and ease.


Yellow is such a happy colour. Perfect for kitchens, yellow eases depression and promotes laughter. Paint your entryways and halls yellow to make them look more welcoming. On the downside, too much yellow can create feelings of frustration and anger in some people. Some even claim that babies cry more in yellow rooms.

Alternative: Red is your best bet if you want to stir up excitement or stimulate appetite.


Green is considered a symbol of fertility, which is why many consider this hue for their bedroom. Green is also known for its calming effect and tendency to reduce stress – perfect for when you want to wind down. A good choice for bedrooms, it’s a colour of comfort and togetherness.

Alternative: Blue, which is soothing to the eye, would be an excellent choice too.

Dining room

Red, a symbol of courage, encourages conversation and draws people together. Red, the most intense of colours, evokes passion, raises blood pressure, and speeds up your heart rate. Another effect of red is that it’s an appetite stimulant, which makes it ideal for your dining room – unless you’re trying to lose weight. A word of caution: red has been linked to aggression, anger and hostility. Steer clear of any conversation topics that can trigger a fight.

Alternative: Orange is a fun, energetic colour that is a mellowed version of red.

Home office

Blue is a colour associated with productivity and alertness. If you work from home and are looking for something that will bolster your creativity, paint your walls blue. It’s also the most calming of all the colours, which is a great help when you’re dealing with tons of paperwork.

Alternative: Red will help you through the midday slump and get you all fired up when you’re trying to meet your deadlines.

Ready to give any of your rooms a fresh coat of paint in a more fitting colour? Compare quotes from tons of painters now.

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