
Go-getter, gets it

The Tim Butler Carpentry is an active member of our Service Seeking community. Read on to learn more about how they found success on the platform.


Tim Butler from Tim Butler Carpentry is an active member of our Service Seeking community. He’s always one of the first people to comment on our Facebook page with insightful remarks about the building industry. Sounds like the type of guy you want to take advice from! Which is why we had a quick chat with him about his success on the site. 

What does your business do?
Tim Butler Carpentry offers a complete design and building service for all home improvements in timber or steel. I also offer carpentry services to builders/owner-builders.

How many jobs have you quoted on?
Around 20 to 30.

How many have you won?
All up, I have won 4 new customers. I completed the wall and roof frames for one customer, and the other 3 jobs have been small fix-ups.

Is Service Seeking helping you win work?
Yes, but I think it’s still not very well known in SA. I’m excited to see what happens as the business grows.

What other types of marketing does your business do, and how do they compare to Service Seeking?
Signage has been my most successful marketing tool. $600 for 4 signs has won me over $100,000 in work this year. But Service Seeking hasn’t been too bad either. I’ve won $13,000 in work in the year I registered. I have also spent $1000 on the local paper, and SA builder magazine with no jobs won. I am on Home Improvement pages, which hasn’t won me any work that was $300. I will try experimenting with a home show coming up in July.

Any tips for future businesses?
Call the customer up and follow up with them. That’s the key.


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