Household Tips and Improvements

Home oganiser uses to grow business

Kathryn from Keeping House left her corporate career. She used to find new customers and get her business off the ground.


Back in February, Kathryn left her corporate sales career to start a business as a home organiser called Keeping House, and she has been de-cluttering homes around Sydney since. We asked her a few questions about getting her business off the ground.

What inspired you to start your business as a Professional Organiser?

I noticed there was a demand for this type of service due to people being time-poor, over-run by material possessions and lacking the expertise and willpower to cut through their clutter.

How did you get your first customers?

A lot of my work has come through word of mouth. However, I have quoted on 14 jobs on in the last two months and won 3 of these, which amounted to more than $1,000 of work.

What’s the best part of your new job?

One client I met through your service declared herself a ‘Hoarder’. I arrived there ready to roll my sleeves up.  She gave me simple instructions to help fix her house, and then she trotted off to work! Nine hours later, I could see the floor, and the garbage guys were on their way.

It was a great feeling for both of us when she arrived home to a tidy and functional home! It felt great to join her on this journey, and she’s now very happy with her new living space.

If you’re looking for someone to de-clutter your home, post a job in our House Cleaning category to get quotes from great people like Kathryn.

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