Business Success Stories

Q&A with Rosdue Cleaning

We talked to Susan from Rosdue Cleaning about their amazing cleaning business and how they’ve used to win over 15 new customers.


We talked to Susan from Rosdue Cleaning about their amazing cleaning business and how they’ve used to win over 15 new customers.

1. What does your business do?
We do domestic cleaning, we specialise in that kind of work.

2. On how many jobs have you quoted?
Lots, around 50 probably.

3. How many new customers have you won?
15 in total.

4. Is successful in winning you work?
Absolutely. Without Service Seeking we wouldn’t have been able to get our business up and running. The jobs we’ve won have been from $50-$350 and most of them are ongoing. Next month we estimate we’ll make $3000 and all of that business except for one customer has come from We’ve been telling everyone about it, you have done all the work for us really.

5. What other types of marketing does your business do?
We tried our own website, advertising in the newspaper and distributing flyers.

6. How do they compare to
None of that was particularly successful. We only managed to get one customer from all of that. The website is still up and running and it’s a good place for customers to get some more info about our business.

7. Any tips for new businesses?
Use the site, quote on it lots and follow up your quotes. That’s the trick really; you’ve got to follow up on your quotes.

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