
Supporting (tasty) local businesses

When we discovered that new local eatery Food Society used to source tradies for its fit out, a “site inspection” (read: fancy dinner out) was in order. We’ve built our business around supporting other small local businesses. Although it’s what we do, I still get a bit of a rush when I hear we’ve […]


When we discovered that a new local eatery Food Society used to source tradies for its fit-out, a “site inspection” (read: fancy dinner out) was in order.

We’ve built our business around supporting other small local businesses. Although it’s what we do, I still get a bit of a rush when I hear we’ve saved someone (especially a business that’s just starting out) some big bucks.

A few months ago, we got word that a new local eatery, Food Society (literally around the corner from our office), used to source a carpenter, glazier and tiler for their restaurant fit-out – and saved a heap of money in the process. 

So, we did what any good customer service team would do and promptly made a booking to “inspect” the results. It really had everything to do with making sure the work from our businesses was up to scratch and nothing to do with the fact the restaurant specialised in delicious Eastern-European fare. I swear.

It was a great night. Co-owners Sonia Stanojevic and Brendan Lloyd really looked after us, seating our group in the middle of the bustling dining room right near the long timber bar (which was coincidently crafted by a business).

I was able to tear myself away from my beautiful braised beef cheek long enough to also check out another feature courtesy of the site – an impressive glass panel that patrons can peer through and watch the chefs hard at work in the kitchen.

Then, out came the shots of Slivovitz (plum brandy) and my tour was cut short. I got so caught up in the festivities that I completely forgot to survey the tiling work. Whoops. Cover blown. I was really just in it for the delicious feast!

All up, Sonia and Brendan estimate that saved them around $25,000. No wonder they were so stoked!

They’ve already posted another job for a plumber and say the site will be their first port of call whenever they’re in need of a new trade.

Food Society has also won my repeat business. I’ve already been back twice. Although I still haven’t seen those tiles!

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