Household Tips and Improvements

All about roller shutters

Roller shutters are a great addition to homes and business establishments, especially if safety and security are your main considerations. This is why most businesses have automatic roller doors in their premises. The primary purpose of roller shutters is to provide enhanced security for buildings or other premises. What are roller shutters and how do they work? […]


Roller shutters are a great addition to homes and business establishments, especially if safety and security are your main considerations. This is why most businesses have automatic roller doors on their premises. The primary purpose of roller shutters is to provide enhanced security for buildings or other premises.

What are roller shutters, and how do they work?

A roller shutter, also called roller door or sectional overhead door, is a type of door that opens and closes by raising and lowering it either manually or with the use of an electric motor. It is made up of interconnected horizontal bars or slats, usually made from aluminium, galvanised steel, or hardened plastic. When rolled up, roller shutters coil tightly into a discrete box. When rolled down, the slats fit snugly against the floor.

Roller shutters can be used on residential windows, garage doors, vans, trucks, store windows, schools, prisons, storage areas, warehouses, and more.

Advantages of roller shutters

  1. Increased safety – If safety is a main concern for you, roller shutter offers protection against vandalism and break-ins. It would take a great deal of effort for would-be intruders to break in and enter the premises when roller shutters are installed properly.
  2. Protection from outside elements – Roller shutters offer protection against harsh weather conditions such as heavy rains and strong winds; this is why roller shutters are commonly found in stores and restaurants with huge glass window displays.
  3. Insulation – Although curtains and blinds can be used to reduce sun glare, they cannot completely block the heat from coming into the room, especially during hot summer months. Likewise, curtains and drapes cannot prevent the cold from entering the room during winter months. Roller shutters can provide sufficient protection against the sun and the cold.
  4. Energy efficiency – Since roller shutters are in general, great insulators, they can considerably lower your electric bills. Foam-filled insulated roller shutters are also available that provide a high level of insulation, including sound reduction.
  5. Privacy – If you want full privacy, you can lower the roller shutter all the way down. It can also give you control over the amount of light, sound, and wind that enters the room.

Are you thinking of getting roller shutters? You can check our top roller door experts here. They handle garage door repairs and roller door installation jobs.

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