Home Renovation

Essential checklist for your home extensions

There is so much to think about when undertaking a house extension. Follow our list of must-do steps to ensure your home extensions run as smoothly as possible.


There is so much to think about when undertaking a house extension. Follow our list of must-do steps to ensure your home extensions run as smoothly as possible.


  • Make sure there are no legal issues involved with your house extension. Your home extensions cannot commence until you’ve received council approval, which unfortunately can be an extremely lengthy process.
  • Speak to your neighbours and make sure they don’t have any concerns with your house extension plans. If someone does, it’s best to resolve this before starting the extensions work as disgruntled neighbours can cause lots of problems and delays!

Plans & Contract

  • Once you’ve selected your builder and your house extension plans have been drafted, set some time aside to study them thoroughly. Double check all the plans and specifications and make sure you fully understand them. If any amendments are made, the plans must be re-submitted to local authorities for approval.
  • Read, check and make sure you understand all contract documents. Insist on using a recognised form of building contract such as those published by the Housing Induustry Association (HIA) and Master Builders Association (MBA). If you don’t understand something on the plans make sure you seek legal advice before signing on the dotted line.
  • Check the dates of time periods that the fixed-contract time is scheduled to start and finish. Find out what your rights are if your home extensions run over the original contract construction time.
  • Ensure the contract documents are fully complete. There should be no blank spaces and the contract should include everything that has been discussed.
  • If you intend to provide any materials for your home extensions such as light fittings or appliances you may want to check whether builder’s insurance covers the loss or theft of materials from the site or damage after installation.


  • Devise a simple filing system to keep track of your home extensions’ paperwork e.g. contracts, plans.
  • Buy a diary to record all the day-to-day happenings, including discussions with your builders.
  • If you’ve decided to live off site throughout your home extensions it’s important to conduct regular site visits to make sure everything is on track. It’s also essential you’re given the contact details of someone in the builder’s office who you can contact should any urgent problems arise. This person should also give you weekly updates on the progress of your house extension.


  • Once your home extensions are complete it’s important to inspect the work thoroughly and make a note of any defects (minor or major) and provide the list to the builder. They should arrange to have these fixed up promptly and free of charge.

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