Household Tips and Improvements

Improve your home security

Just the thought of an unwelcome visitor rummaging through your valuables is enough to make your skin crawl. But rather than living in denial and arriving home to a nasty shock, it’s best to be alert and prepared. Quality Locks According to the Queensland Police, most break-ins are crimes of opportunity. Criminals are looking to […]


Just the thought of an unwelcome visitor rummaging through your valuables is enough to make your skin crawl. But rather than living in denial and arriving home to a nasty shock, it’s best to be alert and prepared.

Quality Locks
According to the Queensland Police, most break-ins are crimes of opportunity. Criminals are looking to gain easy entry to a home through an unlocked window or door.

So the best thing you can do is lock up! It sounds simple, but so many of us become complacent in our own homes and don’t feel the need to lock our doors when we’re right there.

Whether you’re hanging clothes on the line, in the shower, or just sitting on the couch watching some television, it’s crucial to ensure all your doors are secure. You should enlist a locksmith to double-check that your current locks are working the way they should be. For added peace of mind, ask your locksmith to install deadlocks.

Secure Gate & Fence
A secure gate or fence can stop intruders before they reach your front door. Wrought iron is probably the best material for security gates and fences. It’s heavy and durable, making it pretty hard work to remove without the right equipment. Now, your paranoid self may be tempted to get all dramatic and opt for a fence with pointed tips, but unless you’re the owner of a McMansion, this is probably a little overkill. However, If you have the cash, you might also want to look into installing a gate monitoring system (CCTV) that provides video footage of who’s approaching your home.

Alarm System
A working alarm system is an absolute must. The most common type of alarm is a sensory system, which works by detecting unwanted movement. For the best result, sensors should be placed carefully throughout the house, with special attention given to the front door. It’s important to remember to turn the alarm on before you leave the house or go to bed, as an inactive alarm system is completely useless. It might even be worthwhile sticking a sign on your front door or gate to let people know the house is alarmed – this will hopefully deter would-be intruders.

Neighbourhood Watch
Keeping your home secure is not just about spending large piles of money. Care and vigilance can also go a long way. It’s a good idea to strike up a friendship with your neighbours so they can keep an eye out for any untoward behaviour when you’re not home. Your neighbour can also collect your mail while you’re on holiday. Leaving piles of mail in your letterbox is unwise as it lets people know no one is home – inviting prospective intruders to have a mosey around.

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