Industry Insights

Maximise your tax return -

Written by Staff Writer | Mar 23, 2011 5:43:32 AM

There are a number of reasons why you should use a professional accountant for your tax rather than trying your hand at DIY – not the least of which is you could be doing something far more interesting with your time!

A trained accountant is up-to-date on current tax issues and can, therefore, assess your situation with respect to giving you the most current tax advice available.

They will also make sure you are aware of the compliance requirements when claiming deductions (especially ones that are likely to increase your chances of a tax audit).

A professional accountant will be able to provide you with tax solutions for investments/purchases you may be undertaking and advise on the best ways to maximise your tax or minimise your tax liability – all legally, of course.

The benefits of enlisting a professional accountant to help with your taxes far outweigh the costs. Most accountants are able to identify and claim tax refunds well in excess of the cost of preparing your tax return.

Best of all, you can have peace of mind knowing that your unavoidable yearly job is performed efficiently and effectively – without you needing to spend time and money on researching things you’ll probably never be able to decipher completely!

Author Greg works at Sast Accountants, a registered accounting firm on our site.