Industry Insights

Read these tips to win more work -

Written by Oliver Pennington | Feb 4, 2013 11:17:09 PM

It doesn’t take much to be an okay business. Show up at a job when you say you will, refrain from swearing in front of customers and generally just be well presented and decent. Being a stand out business, however, requires a bit more effort. But it’s worth it. You can earn yourself some awesome feedback and improve your odds of winning more work from our site.

Here’s our guide to becoming a sterling business:

When quoting:

Include a friendly message.
We tell you the customer’s name, so use it! It doesn’t take much to personalise your message.

“Thanks Sharon”

“Let me know what you think Sharon”

It will go a long way.

Give a real price.
Customers come to our site to get quotes, so give them one. They are busy and will not follow up with you if you enter a $0 price or some unrealistic figure like $1. You come across as a pain. It’s easier just to move onto another business than deal with these sort of shenanigans.

Don’t ask questions that the job description already answers.
PLEASE! Read the entire listing before quoting. You may find important details that drastically change the quoted price – like, say, a customer only needs two items moved from a three-bedroom home and you ASSUME when chatting to them that it’s a standard move. These are significant deal-breaking details.

At the job: 

Turn up when you say you will.
Customers can’t wait around for you all day. They have places to be and will be annoyed if you show up or late, or not at all. If you are stuck in traffic, phone the customer to let them know you’ve been delayed and apologise when you arrive.

Be courteous at all times.
Wear a company shirt and address the customer by name (again, you know it!)

Wipe your feet at the door and if you need to use the bathroom, ASK first. If you have to answer your mobile, go outside and keep your voice down. You are in someone else’s home and need to play by their rules. A customer doesn’t want to feel as though they’ve invited some potty-mouthed psycho into their home. It’s also essential to clean up any mess you make. Use the campsite rule – leave no trace.

Communicate any problems or questions.
If the job is running longer than anticipated or you encounter some unforeseen delay, let the customer know. No one appreciates being left in the dark it will only end up resulting in an angry and disgruntled customer.

Don’t ask to be paid in cash.

It makes you look dodgy. Really dodgy. Come prepared with a printed invoice that clearly notes your business banking details, or email through a copy to the customer once the job is complete.

After the job:

Discounts aren’t necessary, but appreciated.
It’s nice to leave customers with a token appreciation for the work. While a bottle of wine and chocolate might be overkill, some businesses give magnets or business cards with a discount code to pass onto friends and family or for your next job. Leaving things on a friendly note will encourage customers to leave you nice feedback which will help you book your next job. And so the domino effect continues!