Industry Insights

How to De-Stress from Work Mode -

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 1, 2017 10:08:03 AM

Small business owners (particularly tradies) work long and work hard. Even after a 10-hour day ‘on-site’, tradespeople often have hours of administration work waiting for them once they arrive home or back to the office.

This is an incredibly stressful balance and can have quite serious impacts on health and well-being. That is why we have created a few short tips to help our tradies de-stress.

1. Make Time for the Things and People You Love

Whether you love reading, running or watching old episodes of Cops (Ok, probably not), finding time to relax by doing the activities you love is the perfect way to de-stress after a long day at work. Spending time with family and friends is also essential to de-stress from work mode.

Sometimes all you need is 15 minutes to relax and that can greatly improve your stress levels, patience and overall health.

We understand that as a small business owner it can be difficult to find time for relaxing. There always seems like there are invoices to send, staff to pay and leads to follow up.

That is why we have a range of free tools to save you time and ensure that you can find time to de-stress and relax. for instance,’s free invoicing tool can save you hours of work! It’s free for you to use whenever you want.

2. Get a Good Night Sleep

Adults function optimally after having 7 hours of sleep. That is an interesting fact simply because of the cycle that a good night sleep can create. The day after a great night sleep will mean you work more efficiently and effectively. After a great day of work, you have more time to relax and, well, more time to sleep! And so the cycle will continue.

The best way to ensure you have a great sleep is to set a time by which no more work can be done at night. After that, you should be winding down and relaxing. Keep in mind that sleep should be prioritised over another hour in front of the tele.

3. Create a Schedule 

Creating a schedule is one of the key habits of all highly effective people. By creating a schedule you are able to figure out your priorities for the day and also ensure that you find time for relaxing and de-stressing. Once you understand your priorities you can spend less time on the unimportant tasks and begin to feel a lot happier about work.

While following your schedule strictly is not always possible, it will have an overall effect of maximising your time and ensuring that you can spend time on the things that you love. 

These effective changes are bound to help you get rid of stress gradually upon becoming a part of your regular daily routine. Why wouldn’t you start implementing them now and improve your health?