News Home renovations are preparing to surge again

The home renovation market is poised to take off again, but how much the exact same job will cost you in different states can vary significantly.


In this article, we explore the resurgence of the home renovation market and the varying costs of similar projects across different states in Australia, shedding light on the insights provided by online tradesmen service,

  • Renovation Market Resurgence: After experiencing a decade-low in spending on home renovations, the market is gearing up for a significant surge once again, as indicated by recent trends and forecasts from the Housing Industry Association (HIA).
  • Regional Disparities in Renovation Costs:'s data reveals substantial variations in the costs of identical renovation projects across different Australian states. Factors such as labour rates and demand-supply dynamics significantly influence these regional disparities.
  •'s Insight: The article emphasizes's pivotal role in providing valuable insights into the renovation market, particularly through its comprehensive data on labour costs and industry trends.
  • Impact of Property Prices: Rising property prices often coincide with increased renovation activities as homeowners seek to enhance their properties' value and capitalize on favourable market conditions.
  • Renovation Industry Trends: While some renovation sectors witness stable or declining labour costs, others experience notable increases, reflecting evolving market dynamics and consumer preferences.
  • Regional Cost Analysis: Detailed breakdowns of renovation costs in major Australian cities highlight significant variations in labour charges and overall project expenses, providing essential information for homeowners and industry professionals alike.
  • Forecasted Growth: Forecasts from HIA suggest robust growth in renovation spending over the coming years, underlining the sustained demand for renovation services and the potential economic impact of this trend.
Read the full article here.

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