Average Price

Average cost of plumber

Our data shows the average cost of a plumber on ServiceSeeking.com.au ranges anywhere from $35 to $198 per hour.


Please note that price information in this article was based on data from 2010, and may now be outdated. 

Our data shows the average cost of a plumber on ServiceSeeking.com.au ranges anywhere from $35 to $198 per hour, with the average hourly rate close to $67 per hour.

This price variation is obviously dependent on the job that’s required. At an average hourly fee of $110, less savoury tasks such as drainage and sewer problems normally cost slightly more than run-of-the-mill tasks like toilet installation.

Plumbers can also take care of hot water installation for an average job rate of $1,561 or $69.64 per hour, andgas fitting and piping for an average of $1,186 per job or $67.76 per hour. Both jobs can be quite pricey but are an essential step in the renovation process.

Lately, there’s also been a demand for WELS-rated, water-efficient fixtures and fittings so your plumber should be able to give you advice on how to “green up” your home.

Just remember to double-check if their quote includes these, or any, of the materials required, as this will obviously affect the cost involved. Some quotes will include “standard” parts, but view more costly, water-saving fixtures as “optional extras”. It goes without saying however, that these products will save you money in the long run.

A common mistake made by homeowners is calling out a plumber to install a sink or basin before a hole has been cut in the bench or vanity top. This is not a service most plumbers provide so make sure everything is in order ahead of time.

This data was derived from more than 70,000 quotes submitted on the site between 1 October 2007 and 31 March 2010.

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