Household Tips and Improvements

House cleaning: secret household hints

We’ve listed the top tried-and-tested secret house cleaning methods that will have your home looking spick and span in no time at all. Thought those old-school house cleaning techniques your grandma used to swear by were just a bunch of pointless old wives tales? It’s understandable you might be a little skeptical at first, but you won’t […]


We’ve listed the top tried-and-tested secret house cleaning methods that will have your home looking spick and span in no time at all.

Thought those old-school house cleaning techniques your grandma used to swear by were just a bunch of pointless old wives' tales?

It’s understandable you might be a little sceptical at first, but you won’t be poo-pooing these at-home remedies once a splash of soda water rescues your new all-white carpet!

Here’s the pick of the bunch:

  • To remove sticky residue, e.g. stickers, from hard surfaces, use some eucalyptus oil on a cloth and wipe.
  • For shiny marble benches or vanity tops, buff with car polish.
  • To stop mirrors from fogging up, rub them all over with a bar of soap.
  • To remove a red wine stain from the carpet, pour soda water over the area and then add salt to act as a buffer to keep the stain from setting.
  • To remove oil from the carpet, place a small amount of shampoo on the area and wipe with a cloth.
  • To clean toilet bowls, use flat Coke or a similar product.
  • To get blood out of fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide.
  • To remove pollen, use sticky tape to lift off the carpet.
  • To remove the marker pen off hard surfaces, spray on hair spray and then wipe.
  • To remove fingerprints from stainless steel appliances, apply baby oil to a cloth and wipe.
  • To eliminate a coffee stain, blot with detergent and then sponge the area with vinegar.

If your home cleaning remedies still aren’t cutting the mustard, consider getting a house cleaning expert in to work their magic.

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