Industry Insights

How to paint a roof

Written by Oliver Pennington | Sep 23, 2019 8:22:55 AM

Many of the problems homeowners are likely to experience with their roofs can be handled by an experienced handyman. The most common issues that arise with roofs are leaks, surface corrosion, peeling roof paint, mould, and seams coming apart.

Roof painting is a simple and effective way of maintaining your roof. Did you know that aluminium and metal are not the only roof types that can be painted? You can paint over roof surfaces like asphalt shingles, tiles, slate, blocks, composite pieces, and concrete. Both glazed and unglazed roof tiles can be painted.

Reasons You Should Paint Your Roof:

A roof is the first line of defence against the elements

An ill-maintained roof will leave your home vulnerable to harsh weather like rain, extreme heat, hail, wind, and violent storms. Roofs that use acrylic or oil-based coatings need repainting every 2 to 4 years. Those that use elastomeric systems need a repaint every 5 to 10 years.

Higher resale value

Let’s face it: we all want to buy a home that is well-maintained. A metal roof that’s been re-coated is a big plus; ask any real estate agent.

Energy savings

A metal roof can help you save big on your energy bill. Today, you can find a variety of metal roof coating systems that reflect the heat from the sun back into the atmosphere. This keeps the home cooler in the summer, reducing the need for air conditioning.

Metal is a recyclable material, so old metal roofs won’t just end up in a landfill. Solar energy is both cost and environmentally-friendly. Therefore, installing solar panels on your roof is a great way of reducing your carbon footprint.

It’s now time to embark on the painting process. Quality is what every homeowner is after during a home improvement project. There are important steps to follow in order to achieve a perfectly painted roof.

Steps Involved In Roof Painting:

  1. Roof Cleaning

    The first step in painting any type of roof is a thorough cleaning. This can be done with a simple broom and hose, but more effective methods are encouraged. A high-pressure washer provides maximum penetration of hard-to-access nooks and crannies. You can rent one for a DIY project. Before hiring a professional, confirm that they have one.

    Cleaning with a degreaser before you begin painting an iron roof is essential unless the roof is more than a year old. This is because, after a year, the roof will have weathered enough for all the fabrication oil to have worn away.

  2. Roof Preparation

    Do you know your roof’s current condition? This information is key for any homeowner embarking on a roof painting project. If there is any damage to the roofing material, it will need evaluation and repair. If the damage is irreparable, then it has to be replaced.

    It’s not just the roofing material itself that needs an inspection. Nails, mounting screws, and bonding are essential hardware that must be in working condition.

    Rust used to be the worst thing that could happen to a metal roof. These days, you can treat it with a rust converter before adding a primer.

    Layers of existing paint need to be removed, just as you would when painting a fence. If you do not remove previous paint build-up, the new paint will not bond well with the existing layers.

  3. Choosing a Preferred Method of Roof Painting

    Think roof painting is only done with a brush? Here are three ways of painting a roof to choose from:

    • Airless spraying
    • Roller painting
    • Brush painting

    Airless spraying is the quickest way of painting any roof type. In the case of corrugated sheets, start the process by sectioning and spraying the sections widthwise. Work your way down each sheet while spraying in the direction of the flutes in the sheet. Repeat the application for the remaining sheets.

    Rollers shaped like corrugated iron are another alternative. The biggest drawback to this method is that you need to ensure the paint reaches all corners and ridge caps, which can be fiddly.

    Thinking of using a simple brush to paint the entire roof? It is certainly an option, but buckle in for the long haul. Since it takes a long time to brush and paint an entire roof, you need to start early in the morning. If you’re painting in the summer, you’ll want to be finished before the hottest point of the day strikes.

  4. Choosing Roof Paint

    Knowing the best colours for reflecting light or heat will come in handy at this point. Also, consider the most suitable paint for the type of roof you have.

    A professional painter can help you choose the best paint for your particular roof. If you want to reduce the amount of heat that the roofing material absorbs, reflective paint is an effective choice.

  5. Begin Roof Painting

    Clean the paint spray gun and hose. Water won’t cut it to remove the primer, so use paint thinner instead. Now, fill the spray gun with paint. Once you’re up on the roof, start painting the first coat. Allow the paint to dry according to the paint manufacturer’s instructions. Finally, apply a second coat of paint and marvel at the great job you’ve done! Do’s and Don’ts of Painting Your Roof Like a Pro

  • Be careful when getting down from the roof to avoid walking over the wet paint.
  • Don’t use leftover paint. Use only roof-specific coatings.
  • Don’t forget to include sealant in the paint preparation process.
  • Don’t paint when it’s raining.
  • Start early in the day to avoid painting when the heat is at its peak.
  • A power washer will do a more thorough cleaning job than a broom and water hose.
  • Don’t begin painting the roof until the primer dries.
  • Don’t use an airless spray gun on a windy day.
  • Wear sturdy shoes or work boots, protective glasses, and a hard hat.
  • Anchor the ladder on a solid and level surface for safety.
  • Wear a safety body harness that’s tied to sturdy support to avoid falling.

Roof Repainting vs Replacing:

Replacing a roof costs a lot more effort and money than repainting. Sure, after many layers of paint coatings, your roof will eventually need replacing in the future. But until then, repainting will give you added years of life to your roof. In some cases, your roof may be out-of-date or completely damaged. You can then replace it, protecting the new roof with a few coats of paint. Repainting adds longevity and durability to your roof while saving you money in the process!