Average Price

Cost of tiling

Customers require tilers for a range of projects including walls, floors, kitchens, bathrooms and splashbacks. Our data shows the cost of tiling on ServiceSeeking.com.au ranges from$20 per hour and goes up to $150 per hour, with the average rate per hour around $44. If you want to see for yourself, get quotes to find out the cost tiling here. These rates […]


Customers require tilers for a range of projects, including walls, floors, kitchens, bathrooms and splashbacks. Our data shows the cost of tiling on ServiceSeeking.com.au ranges from$20 per hour and goes up to $150 per hour, with the average rate per hour around $44.

These rates typically include labour and basic materials such as glue or grout but generally don’t include the cost of tiles. However, tilers often have relationships with suppliers, so they can negotiate better prices on tiles than customers can through normal retail channels.

In most cases, the cost of sealing/waterproofing and polishing the tiles isn’t included in the quoted price either. The preparation of the floor bedding is also an optional extra, and if required, a tiler can normally do this at a rate of around $45 per square metre.

The average job price is $3,419. In addition to the size of the job, the size of the tiles themselves can often affect the cost of the quote. Tilers will generally charge more to lay small mosaics as this can be extremely time-consuming due to their delicate nature.

The data was derived from more than 70,000 quotes submitted on the site between 1 October 2007 and 31 March 2010.


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